Maxime Cautrès, stagiaire L3 (dir. Y. Le Borgne)
     Hadrien Eyraud, stagiaire L2 (dir. J.-F. Marckert)
     Natacha Javerzat, stagiaire L3 (dir. A. Tanasa)             Feynman graphs combinatorics 
     Clément Legrand-Duchesne, stagiaire M2 (dir M. Bonamy et V. Delecroix)
     Bastien Morel, stagiaire L2 (dir. A. Tanasa)blue% Triangularisations and discrete surfaces
     Pierre-jean Morel, stagiaire (dir. N. Bonichon) %  3D permutations with forbidden patterns
     Théo Rudkiewicz , stagiaire L3 (dir. Y. Le Borgne)
     Ahmed Soulmani, stagiaire L2 (dir. V. Delecroix) blue% Paths and volume entropy in graphs 
     Tom Pena, stagiaire M2 (dir. G. Zemor (IMB) et A. Tanasa)blue% Non-local quantum games 
     Zoé Varin, stagiaire M2 (dir. J.-F. Marckert)
     Ivan Yakovlev, stagiaire M2 (dir. V. Delecroix) blue% Combinatorial map enumeration and moduli spaces 
     Izumi Watanabe, stagiaire (J.-F. Marckert)


Si vous manquez d'inspiration, vous pouvez aussi consulter la liste des stages proposés aux master 2 (toutes équipes confondues). :)

Licence/Master internship

If you are interested in having an internship in the department, you should look for the team members whose topics include the topic you are mostly interested in, and contact them directly. Do not worry about contacting the wrong person since if you describe with enough details your topics of interest, he will tell you who you should contact instead (you may also contact the head of a team, or of the department, if you want some additional advices or information).

If you are short on inspiration, you may also check and get inspired by the list of master thesis proposed to Univ. Bordeaux students (thesis in all departements are collected there).)

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