PhD thesis.
If you want to obtain a PhD thesis in computer science (or mathematics) from the Bordeaux university in the topics of our team, this is maybe possible !
On the webpage of the doctoral school you will find important informations as the admission procedure, in french.
The webpage of "Graduate Research School of University of Bordeaux", contains lot of information in english as the presentation of the doctorate enrollment requirements, FAQ, ...
To get a funding for the PhD thesis (and then a salary) is mandatory. If you have such a funding from your school or your country, this will help a lot ! If you don't, you will have to apply to get this funding.
It is long and can be hard to get a funding. It is then strongly recommended to inform us of your wishes, and start the procedure as soon as possible (specially if you are not studying at Bordeaux). If you are outside France, we recommend you to make contact (if possible) one year before the expected beginning of the PhD thesis, since this may help to obtain some of the funding resources.
Strong advice if you want to obtain an answer: apply only if you are student in computer science or mathematics. Send us your CV, a cover letter, and a support letter from one of your professor.