
  • Head of the team: Cyril Gavoille
  • Deputy head: Yvan Le Borgne
  • Head of the group Algorithmique Distribuée: Colette Johnen
  • Head of the group Combinatoire énumérative et algébrique: Adrian Tanasa
  • Head of the group Graphes et Optimisation: Marthe Bonamy
  • Head of the group Quantum information and compuation: Felix Huber

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Permanent staff

Alexandre Zvonkine
Cartes, polynômes complexes
Akka Zemmari

Xavier Viennot
Énumération, bijections, physique combinatoire
Adrian Tanasa
Combinatorial Physics, Algebraic combinatorics
Éric Sopena
Graph colorings and homomorphisms (oriented graph coloring, incidence coloring, coloring games, ...) and combinatorial games
Mike Robson

André Raspaud
Vertex colorings of graphs. Edge colorings of graphs (strong, star, incidence). Flow. Cycle cover. Coloring of signed graphs. Flows in signed graphs.
Mihkail Raskin
Distributed algorithms (to be precised)
Arnaud Pêcher
Graph theory: graph colorings, polyhedral graph theory, perfect graph theory, algebraic graph theory mathematical programming : mixed integer linear programming, semi-definite programming
Philippe Narbel
Combinatorics on words, Complexity theory
Yves Métivier

Frédéric Mazoit
Graph decompositions, graphs on surfaces, graph minor theory.
Jean-François Marckert
Probability theory and combinatorics, Limit theorems, random geometry
Yvan Le Borgne
Énumération exacte
Sébastien Labbé
Combinatorics on words, discrete geometry, dynamical systems
Ralf Klasing
Distributed algorithms, Approximation algorithms for combinatorially hard problems, Algorithmic methods for telecommunication, Communication algorithms in networks
František Kardoš
Graph coloring, Chemical graph theory
Colette Johnen

David Ilcinkas
Distributed computing, Mobile agent computing, Certification
Felix Huber
Quantum error correction, Quantum correlations, Optimisation in quantum information, Mathematical physics
Hervé Hocquard
Edge and vertex colorings of graphs.
Nicolas Hanusse

Yassine Hamoudi
Quantum algorithms, Monte Carlo methods, Complexity theory
Olivier Guibert
Enumerative Combinatorics, Permutations
Cyril Gavoille
Distributed computing, graph algorithms (distributed or not), compact routing, distance labeling, distance oracles, spanners, graph minor theory, small-world, quantum information
Philippe Duchon
Exact and asymptotic enumeration, Random generation
François Dross
Graphs (to be precised)
Olivier Delmas
Graph algorithms, graph theory, applications, communications in the interconnection networks
Vincent Delecroix
Dynamical system
Robert Cori
Maps, Sandpile model
Arnaud Casteigts
Temporal graphs, dynamic networks, computational complexity, distributed algorithms
Adrien Boussicault
Algebraic combinatorics, Enumerative Combinatorics, Permutations
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou
Énumération exacte et asymptotique, lois limites
Sébastien Bouchard
Calcul distribué, calcul par agents mobiles, preuve assistés par ordinateur d'algorithmes distribués
Nicolas Bonichon
Maps, Bijective Combinatorics, geometric graphs
Marthe Bonamy
Graph colorings, structural graph theory, graph algorithms.
Olivier Baudon
Graph partitioning, graph decomposing, graph colorings
Jean-Christophe Aval
Algebraic combinatorics, Enumerative Combinatorics

Non permanents
Non permanent staff

Petra Wolf

Jonas Sénizergues

Emile Naquin Touileb

Timothé Picavet

Amaury Jacques

Paul Bastide

Meghna P. Ayyar

Agathe Houzelot

Timothée Corsini

Maxime Fuccellaro

Thibault Hilaire

Luiz F. Afra Brito

Ibrahim Dahaoui

Rupayan Mallick

Edgar Baucher

Florian Gaillot

Clément Legrand-Duchesne

Ivan Yakovlev

Pierre Bonnet

Kai Fu

Jana Lepšová

Ludovic Morin

Zoé Varin

Thomas Muller

Français / English

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